Friday, September 12, 2008

This is our group slogan! ;D haha! our group moto is "S4E".
"S4E" = Strive for excellence!
We do our project work by organizing it. Our group leader, Liting, asked us to meet at one place than we do it. Firstly, we plan what to do for the brochure. We write our ideas on a piece of paper before transferring it to the brochure and FILA chart. The learning issues are : to work as a team and complete our task in a short time. Below are some pictures of our brochure! Enjoy the pictures! =]

Three Mile Island To Get Guard TowersGuard towers will soon rise over the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, part of a series of security upgrades required by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Exelon Nuclear will spend $70 million to install a series of 25-foot guard towers at its 10 nuclear plants, including TMI, Peach Bottom and the Limerick plant in Montgomery County near Philadelphia.
The towers, which will be fortified to withstand bullets but not rocket-propelled grenades, are being required by the nuclear regulatory agency.
The towers are a response to demands for better security against terrorist assaults at the nation's 103 commercial nuclear power plants. Details of those requirements were never revealed by the agency, but Exelon confirmed the requirement for guard towers yesterday.
Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the agency has required more security guards, better weapons, stricter background checks and greater restrictions on who may enter the plants. But the details of those requirements were never revealed by the agency.
Exelon would not say how many guards each tower will house.
THE THING THAT IMPRESSES ME MOST IS : Exelon Nuclear will be spending $70 million to install a series of 25-foot guard towers at 10 nuclear plants, including the TMI, Peach Bottom and the Limerick plant in Montgomery County near Philadelphia!
THE THING THAT IS WORTH PRAISING IS :Guard towers will be soon be rising over the 3 Mile Island nuclear power plant, part of a series of security upgrades required by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission!
Using a reSACKel shopping bag while shopping is a very good idea. A reSACKel bag is a environmental-friendly item as it is made up of recycle materials. :)
The environment benefits in 3 ways , which help saving the world from global warming. And the 3 ways are :
- The future need for disposable plastic bags is reduced
- No new fabric is needed; since the fabric used consists of 100 % reused plastic sacking from Hong Kong consumed rice sacks
- The process is simple, clean and efficient, which further saves energy and resources. The company gives their sacks a clean, a cut and a stitch, which they call “reSACKeling”.
We also thinks that buying a reSACKel bag is a excellent choice. hahas! :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Did you know...
that in 1992, water consumption at Ngee Ann was 190,845 m3 - this amount of water could fill 76 Olympic sized swimming pools or cover the whole campus with 0.5 m depth of water
Across campus, 41,200,000 sheets of paper were used - means more that 6,500 trees have had to be felled
735,000 cups were used up - this would fill 12 Olympic-sized swimming pools
The number of transparencies used was 5,500 - enough to cover one whole football pitch
In the canteens, 547,687 drink cans were used up - this would stretch halfway around the Singapore coastline or be as high as 288 Westin Stamford Towers
In our workshops, 59,064 kg of metals were used - this amount could be used to make more than 1 million drink cans .
Did you know…
Although two thirds of the Earth's surface is covered with water, only less than 1% of the world's water is fresh water..
During photosynthesis, green trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen - one oak tree provides enough oxygen for two people per day.
Half of the Earth's rainforest has been cleared in just 20 years!
Currently, the tropical rainforests are being destroyed at an approximate rate of one acre per second.
Scientific observations show that the global sea level has risen by about 10cm over the last 100 years. The predicted increase as a result of the emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxides, CFCs, methane, etc.) from human activity is about 20cm by the year 2030, and 65cm by the year 2100. Global warming will cause thermal expansion of the oceans and melting of glaciers and polar land ice sheets leading to a rise in sea level.
The major causes of ozone depletion are man-made chlorine and bromine compounds, particularly the CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and halons. When CFC molecules arrive in the upper atmosphere, UV-radiation from the sun splits off their chlorine atoms. Each chlorine atom can destroy up to 100,000 ozone molecules!
It is estimated that four hundred bird and mammal species have died out since the seventeenth century. Many others, such as the snow leopard, are also becoming increasingly threatened. At present, it is estimated that one species becomes extinct every hour!

Hello! =]
The first post here! We are the members of Group 6!
Li Ting, Natalie and Bee
Jin! ;D
The beauty of OUR mother nature is the most precious THINGS to treasure. We must do our part in saving the Earth!!! We can do it by using the 3R's! Reduce, reuse and recycle!
We took quite a long time to complete our blog!
The process of our blog is : We create a blog and add in post, change template!
Through the creation of this blog, we have learn that teamwork is very important and without teamwork, everything is almost impossible to be completed!
We have also learn to accept others team member's suggestions and ideas to make our blog a successful one.